FCKP II | 1st Matchday @ Bunte Liga

8 May 2014

REPORT: We came 5th in the first matchday of the third Bunte Liga: 2:0 win against Brotlose Kunst (Dragos, Clement), 0:0 against United Scorpions, 0:0 against Looney Toons, lost against Lambajuun (can’t remember if they scored 1 or 2, we scored none), 0-0 against Stadtrandkicker, lost against Hauptstadtkicker (we scored none, they scored either 2 or 3) and in our last game we won 2:0 against City Slicker (Dragos, Pascal). We had a good day with some nice football and good debuts from Ezequiel and Brian. We could have scored many more goals, especially in the three draws which, two of which we should have won, but we couldn’t take our chances. We picked up injuries to James and Felipe, but hopefully they will be fit for the next time. A special mention goes to Adonis, who travelled all the way from Freiburg to play!


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FC Kickers Pufendorfer Berlin e.V. is an amateur football team with its base in Berlin, Germany.

Founded by CouchSurfers over ten years ago, the core values of the team have been inclusion and fair play from the very beginning. We started organising regular football meet-ups, where anyone could join and recruited new players for the team from these games.

We have been meeting up since summer 2008 to have regular games of football at the “Boltzplatz” in the Pufendorfstraße, which is also where the team name comes from.

On 21st January 2017 we founded the club “FC Kickers Pufendorfer Berlin e.V.” and on 18th April 2017 we were officially entitled by the German law to carry the name.

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