Kick Berlin 3-3 FCKP

10 May 2015



In the preface of the Bayern Munich humiliation against Barcelona, we faced Kick Berlin on a 7-a-side pitch in Siemensstadt.

We started very spontaneously and had some trouble with the organisation, but still created some chances. Also Kick Berlin played well and had some chances, but missed the goal. Out of a good attack, Héctor scored the first goal of the game. After the goal, Kick Berlin created some counter play and equalised the score to 1:1. After 30 min Marian received a pass through the defence and after some dribbling he stood in front of the goalkeeper. 2:1 for FCKP. In this part of the game, we put some pressure on Kick Berlin, but failed to score a third goal.

After the half time Kick Berlin got stronger and controlled the game. They disturbed our players early, put pressure on our defence and forced us to some inaccurate passes. In this part of the game, they scored 2 goals: one goal after a nice zigzag combination, in which they outplayed our defence, and for the next goal the forward popped up in front of the goal. Bart had no chance to save the ball and the score was 3:2. In the last 10 minutes of the game we fought our way back in to the game and created some nice chances, but the ball didn’t want to find its way in to the net. After a corner kick, a defender of Kick Berlin got distracted by Kyles pressure and shot the ball in the his own net to make it 3:3. After the goal we pressed strongly in the last minutes and created some good chances, but Kick Berlin defended well and the fair game ended with a deserved 3:3


Marian (C), Bart, Gianluca, Clément, Mazeo, Steffen, Kyle, Héctor, Toni, Ezequiel L, Ezequiel P, Ross, Stefan


Héctor, Marian


Report by Steffen


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FC Kickers Pufendorfer Berlin e.V. is an amateur football team with its base in Berlin, Germany.

Founded by CouchSurfers over ten years ago, the core values of the team have been inclusion and fair play from the very beginning. We started organising regular football meet-ups, where anyone could join and recruited new players for the team from these games.

We have been meeting up since summer 2008 to have regular games of football at the “Boltzplatz” in the Pufendorfstraße, which is also where the team name comes from.

On 21st January 2017 we founded the club “FC Kickers Pufendorfer Berlin e.V.” and on 18th April 2017 we were officially entitled by the German law to carry the name.

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